Hernia Treatments in Beirut

Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair

Abdominal surgeries can often lead to complications, including an abdominal wall hernia. Patients who have a hernia on their abdominal wall may notice a progressively enlarging mass underneath the skin that is accentuated by strenuous activity or coughing. These masses may enlarge with time and rarely resolve on their own. 

Our expert plastic surgeons provide less-invasive options for abdominal wall scar revision and abdominal wall hernia repair. Many of these treatments can reduce longterm debility and improve quality of life.

Rectus Diastasis

Women who have undergone one or more pregnancies may experience a loosening of their abdominal wall because of a process known as rectus diastasis, in which the supporting collagen matrix separating the right and left rectus muscles are loose. The first thing that women notice is increased abdominal girth and weakness in the muscles lining the abdomen and waistiline. Rectus diastasis is distinctly different than a hernia and should be corrected in the event it is causing you abdominal or back discomfort. Dr. Karamanoukian performs rectus diastasis repair during an abdominoplasty procedure.

Umbilical Hernia Repair

An umbilical hernia consists of a small tear in the abdominal fascia around the belly button through which intestinal fat protrudes. If an umbilical hernia becomes larger, small amounts of intestine may also be involved within the hernia sac. The most common reasons why umbilical hernias develop include pregnancy, surgery, and weakness in the abdominal fascia from birth. 

The treatment of umbilical hernias at Kare Plastic Surgery Beirut is usually a less-invasive outpatient procedure using a fascial plication technique that reapproximates the damaged fascia and reduces the abdominal hernia. Patients are administered either twighlight sedation or general anesthesia to relax the abdominal muscles.