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Mini Liposuction Plastic Surgery in Beirut Lebanon

Mini Liposuction in Beirut Lebanon

Experienced plastic surgeons believe that the most successful outcomes in liposuction arise in patients who combine liposuction with a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Patients who are near their ideal body weight and who supplement their liposuction procedure with a healthy diet, increased metabolic exercise, and proper postoperative care will usually have amazing outcomes after liposuction. If you are close to your ideal body weight and have small areas of excess fat, you may be a candidate for a mini liposuction procedure performed in our Beirut plastic surgery office, Kare Beirut Plastic Surgery.
A mini liposuction treatment has been Hollywood's best kept secret and is performed by our double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian in his United States cosmetic surgery practice as well as in Beirut at Kare Beirut plastic surgery center. The procedure targets small areas  of excess fat and can help you achieve your ideal body contour by removing fat stores in stubborn areas of the body.
The technique for mini liposuction is very similar to liposuction procedures, but it's different because it targets small areas of fat rather than recontouring the whole body . Common areas to perform mini liposuction include the flanks, belly roll, knees, thighs, hips, and arms. When combined with proper diet and exercise, a mini liposuction procedure can help you attain better body proportions and contour. Stubborn areas of fat on the face and body that are resistant to normal methods of weight loss can be safely removed  with Dr. Karamanoukian's HI DEF mini liposuction procedure.
Mini liposuction in Beirut Lebanon can be performed under tumescent liposuction or general anesthesia, or a combination of both depending on patient preference and medical history. A thorough work up and medical clearance is obtained prior to the procedure so the highest level of safety and professionalism is adhered to during your procedure. The entire procedure is usually performed in less than one hour.
A mini liposuction procedure can dramatically improve the contour of your body with minimal recovery. The most common areas on the face to perform any liposuction include the chin and neck areas, whereas body mini liposuction includes the areas around the arms, torso, waist line, belly, thighs, hips, and knees.

About Dr. Karamanoukian

Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian is a double board-certified plastic surgeon in the United States. He received his training at UCLA and is a Fellow of American College of Surgeons. He is thoroughly experienced in liposuction technique and customizes his body sculpting mini liposuction procedures so that you can regain your  desired body contour with a less invasive procedure.

What is mini liposuction?

In our Beirut Lebanon clinic, Dr. Karamanoukian performs mini liposuction to remove small areas of fat from the lower face or body. The technique uses a small suction assistant instrument that is attached to a suction machine that can remove small areas of fatty tissue using very small incisions on the skin. Most patients will require well be required to wear a compression garment after the procedure to help with the healing. Dr. Karamanoukian is a double board-certified plastic surgeon and has extensive experience in many liposuction procedures.

What are common areas to perform mini liposuction?

Many patients undergo mini liposuction procedures for the lower face, neck, and submental areas. The arms and areas around the lower back are also good areas for a targeted liposuction procedure. The waist line, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, calves, and belly fat are also excellent areas to undergo the procedure. If you gain excess weight after your liposuction treatment,  it will likely not re-accumulate fat in the areas of liposuction.

Who is a good candidate for mini Lipo?

Dr. Karamanoukian and his colleagues believe that targeted liposuction is best achieved with patients who combine the Lipo treatment with diet and metabolic exercise. Large fluctuations in body weight  are not encouraged after the procedure. If you are considering mini liposuction, schedule a consultation with our surgeons to begin the process for surgery.

Is cellulite treated with mini Lipo?

In our Beirut plastic surgery Center, we treat cellulite using a novel technique known as the Brazilian cellulite treatment. Dr. Karamanoukian is a specialist in cellulite removal and can help your target pockets of cellulite using the BCT procedure. Our surgical director has demonstrated his technique for cellulite on national television in the United States and has achieved worldwide acclaim for developing the procedure.