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Treatment of Chest Scars in Beirut: Scar Removal

 Among the many different types of keloids that occur on the body, keloids on the chest are usually formed as a result of an inflammatory pimple or a hair follicle. With time, the inflamed pore can lead to a thick keloid scar that progressively and larges with time.

chest scars on the body can be treated in Beirut Lebanon with Dr. Karamanoukian at Kare Beirut plastic surgery

Keloids on the chest are locally aggressive and can develop into large scars that grow beyond the original footprint of injury. Chest keloids are often associated with pain, itching, burning, and unpredictable growth. The treatment of keloids on the chest is unlike different than other scars and must incorporate an anti-inflammatory protocol to achieve success.

Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian is a leading expert in keloid management and can help establish a treatment protocol to reduce the size of your keloid. At Kare Plastic Surgery in Beirut, Dr. Karamanoukian has established a regional scar center that can manage difficult keloids from Burns, Surgery, and skin injury.

Our protocols have demonstrated improvements in scar topography, size, and inflammation. We use a combination of lasers, topical scar modulation, RF treatment, fractional ablation, and intralesional Injections. If you have developed a keloid, please call our Beirut plastic surgery office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian.