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Knee Liposuction and Knee Body Sculpting in Santa Monica

If you are anxious about losing some extra fat around the knees, chances are that it will not disappear with normal diet and exercise. Knee fat is usually associated with genetics and is less likely to respond to conservative measures.
Fortunately, there are several body sculpting procedures that can directly address excess fat along the knees, including the upper knee, inner knee, and the area immediately below the knee joint in the upper part of the calves. Collectively, the knee area can accumulate fatty deposits that may be disproportionate to your body fat index.
Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian, a board-certified plastic surgeon and body sculpting expert in Los Angeles, addresses knee fat disproportion with a combination approach that may include Coolsculpting (Freeze the Fat), Liposuction, Laser Tightening, and RF Thermage or Ultherapy tightening of the soft tissue.
Recovery is relatively straightforward and can vary depending of the treatment that you choose. Coolsculpting and Thermage/Ultherapy have minimal downtime, whereas liposuction may cause some bruising and swelling.
There are no incisions needed for Coolsculpting or Laser Tightening, whereas one small incision is usually used in patients who require liposuction. A less common condition known as lipedema may require up to three sessions of liposuction in order to tighten the skin and remove disproportionate fat deposits.
A great candidate for knee body sculpting are those men or women who have disproportionate fat deposits in the upper calf and knee areas that are not responsive to diet and exercise.