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Fixing Flabby Arms After Weight Loss

Fixing Flabby Arms After Weight Loss

Flabby arms are common after weight loss as a result of excess fat deposits and laxity of the muscle and soft tissue fascia. There are several procedures available to address flabby arms, including many which are non surgical. Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian is a specialist plastic surgeon who performs surgical brachioplasty (armlift) surgery and liposuction; as well as non-surgical Coolsculpting to Freeze the Fat, Exilis Elite to tighten loose skin, Ultherapy to tone loose soft tissue, and Liposonix to eliminate pockets of excess fat. 

"Brachioplasty and liposuction are surgical procedures to reduce sagging arm skin and contour the upper arms," says Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian. Not all patients are candidates for surgical arm lifting, and non-surgical tissue tightening are excellent for those patients who desire minimal downtime and recovery. 


Recommended Skin Regimen to Reinvigorate Aged Skin on the Arms and Legs

  • MelaClenz Brightening Cleanser
  • Melapads: Daily Exfoliating Pads
  • Luminase Body Brightening Cream
  • Exfolase Body Brightening Cream

Wash the area once daily with MelaClenz while taking a shower
Apply Melapads to the area; Mix an equal proportion of Luminase and Exfolase creams and apply on the skin.
(Instructions for mixing Luminase and Exfolase: Mix equal amounts of Luminase and Exfolase in the palm of your hand; apply liberally onto the skin)