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Enbloc Removal of Breast Implants in Beirut Lebanon

Implant removal is sometimes a medical necessity with dramatic cosmetic ramifications. It's imperative that you choose an experienced plastic surgeon. Dr. Karamanoukian

Breast implant removal surgery is necessary when patients become dissatisfied with the shape of their breasts with breast implants or are having complications related to capsular contracture, body inflammation, or implant rupture. Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian is a double board-certified plastic surgeon in the United States and in Beirut Lebanon and has qualifications related to the removal of intact and ruptured silicone breast implants from the body. If you're having any issues related to silicone breast implants or have textured breast implants and would like to have the implants removed, Dr. Karamanoukian is the natural fit for your procedure. Our office remains one of the preeminent destinations for medical tourism and cosmetic plastic surgery in the Middle East and Dr. Karamanoukian is our surgical director.

Beirut Plastic Surgery enbloc implant removal Nazareth Papazian

Breast Implant Removal Options

If you have made the decision to consider breast implant removal after a previous breast augmentation surgery, you are not alone. Breast implants with silicone or saline tend to change with time and can begin to affect your quality of life if you're having an implant rejection or have developed capsular contracture. Numerous hospitals in Lebanon have options for breast implant removal and capsulectomy for patients having problems with their implants. Breast implants, whether saline or silicone, can change over time resulting in implant migration, implant hardening, or an unappealing cosmetic breast contour. Our job as expert plastic surgeons in Lebanon include a consultation, recommendations for removal or replacement of breast implants, and reconstruction of an unwanted breast implant with either fat grafting or removal en bloc.

Choosing Dr. Karamanoukian for your surgery

Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian brings with each and every surgery is level of expertise and experience in the management of complex breast surgeries. En bloc resection or capsulectomy requires an in-depth analysis of risk factors associated with breast implant capsular contracture recurrence and inflammatory reactions related to soft tissue. Both of these problems can present with a number of difficulties in postoperative recovery so it is imperative that you choose a surgeon who understands these unique difficulties and who has an action plan to administer options should they arise.
Among the most common options for breast implant removal include capsulectomy, capsulotomy, removal of implants, replacement implants, removal of ruptured implants, and autologous fat grafting. The purpose of each surgery is to remove the abnormal breast tissue and inflamed breast implant and replace it with either autologous fat from your own body, a new implant, or remove the implant altogether. Incisions are usually placed in the inframammary fold or along the areola depending on your particular problem. If you already have incisions on your breast, it is usually a good option to use the same incision so it's not create new scarring.
Deciding to completely remove your breast implants is a difficult decision and should be made with a knowledgeable plastic surgeon who is confident with all options related to breast revision. Capsulectomy and removal of the implant capsule can reduce discomfort and pain associated with an infected or inflamed breast implant.
Another important option to consider is a breast left after a breast implant removal and this all depends on the position of the areola and nipple relative to your breast. If you have drew penis of the breasts, you may consider it an additional breast lift after removal of your breast implants so that your breasts do not look more and more droopy. Dr. Karamanoukian has an extensive level of experience in breast revision surgery, especially when it relates to cosmetic breast enhancement. He is available for consultation in his office or through a virtual consultation depending on your specific needs . Schedule a consultation today at Kare beirut in order to obtain solutions regarding breast implant revision surgery.

In cases of minimal sagging breast droopiness before implant removal, a small breast lift may be necessary to advance the nipple and areola to a more perky position. A full breast lift may be necessary in patients who have severe droopiness of the breasts and loose skin. Both procedures can be combined for optimal results.

Dr. Karamanoukian is a fellowship trained, US plastic surgeon who is registered by the Lebanese Order of Physicians and a Felow of the American College of Surgeons. His distinction as a double board certified plastic surgeon adds to his expertise and experience in revision breast surgery.
Plastic Surgery in Beirut with Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian