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Breast Reduction in Beirut Lebanon

A breast reduction procedure is designed to reduce the size and volume of the breasts in patients who have disproportionate breast development. During this procedure, the surgeons at Kare Plastic Surgery Beirut will recontour your breasts and remove excess weight from the sides and lower pole of the breasts. 
Kare Beirut is a multispecialty plastic surgery and cosmetic dermatology clinic located in Beirut Lebanon. If your breasts are overdeveloped and are actually causing your discomfort, you may be a candidate for breast reduction surgery in Lebanon. Patients undergo this procedure as early as the teenage years and beyond in order to match asymmetric breasts or to reduce the volume of large breasts.
Asymmetric and large breasts require the expertise of a cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon. Our surgery center is directed by double board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian. Your consultation will begin with an explanation of the procedure, in depth biometric measurements of the breasts and torso, and a review of your medical history and health examination. 
Breast reduction surgery aims to reduce breast volume, reduce areolar size, and remove excess skin from the breasts. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia in a state of the art surgical center and hospital. 
Dr. Karamanoukian and his team of specialists can recommend the most suitable plastic surgery procedure for your condition. The goal of surgery is to attain cosmetically beautiful and proportionate breasts that are harmonious with your body type. We are excited to talk to you about your cosmetic needs during your consultation. 
Breast reduction is also known as reduction mammoplasty and can dramatically improve the quality of your life. During the procedure, excess skin and fat is removed from the breasts. For larger breasts, breast reduction can relieve the weight and physical discomfort of hypermastia. This is excellent for those patients who experience back and neck pain, discomfort in clothes, and heaviness during exercise and strenuous activity.

BREAST reduction beirut lebanon bydrnaz nazareth papazian and raffy karamanoukian


  • Surgery Time: 2-3 hours
  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia
  • Outpatient procedure
  • Recovery Time: About 1-2 weeks
  • Experience: Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian