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Deviated Septum Repair and Septoplasty in Beirut Lebanon

A deviated septum occurs when the nasal septum is curved to the point that it begins to obstruct the nasal passages. Many of our patients have deviated septums and are not fully aware that it may be obstructing normal breathing at night or during strenuous exercise. If you have a deviated septum, Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian of Kare Plastic Surgery Beirut can help you find solutions that maximize your breathing and improve your nasal appearance. Deviated septums can become curved, tilted, s-shaped, or misaligned. 

The primary treatment for a deviated septum is known as septoplasty, in which the cartilaginous septum is either repaired or aligned in order to allow for normal breathing from both nasal passages. During a septoplasty, cartilage may be removed or realigned in the septum in order to facilitate nasal breathing. 

In Beirut Lebanon, Dr. Karamanoukian can help you identify the causes of your breathing obstruction and recommend a surgical procedure to correct the septal deviation. Most procedures can be performed in less than one hour and allow you to return to work within a few days. 

Dr. Karamanoukian septoplasty surgery to correct deviated septum in Beirut Lebanon plastic surgery